Do you need financial advice? Have you been given advice that is confusing to follow or understand? It’s time you take a look at SJH Financial founded by CEO Scott Herckis. Before founding his business, CEO Scott Herckis started out by earning his Bachelor’s of Business Administration with a major in accounting degree from University of Texas at Austin. After that, he then went on to earn his CPA while working at Arthur Andersen’s Audit and Assurance Department. He worked at Arthur Andersen’s Audit and Assurance Department for five years and used the time he spent there to hone in on his knowledge and skills working on large corporate accounts including the Sheraton Hotels and Cadbury Schweppes. These large accounts helped him to understand how financial steps in the present affect the future on a large scale.
After he had developed his business acumen at Arthur Andersen’s Audit and Assurance Department and other companie in the accounting and finance sector, CEO Scott Herckis launched his own company, SJH Financial. He had spent so much of his time working on large accounts for big conglomerates and at the same time watching smaller business owners struggle to make smart financial decisions simply because they did not have access to the advisorship that could get them situated successfully. So, in 2009, CEO Scott Herckis decided to take the leap and found SJH Financial in order to fulfill his dream of helping smaller business owners to make smart financial decisions. Let him help you to apply his years of financial knowledge to set up your future.
After he had developed his business acumen at Arthur Andersen’s Audit and Assurance Department and other companie in the accounting and finance sector, CEO Scott Herckis launched his own company, SJH Financial. He had spent so much of his time working on large accounts for big conglomerates and at the same time watching smaller business owners struggle to make smart financial decisions simply because they did not have access to the advisorship that could get them situated successfully. So, in 2009, CEO Scott Herckis decided to take the leap and found SJH Financial in order to fulfill his dream of helping smaller business owners to make smart financial decisions. Let him help you to apply his years of financial knowledge to set up your future.